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Your Travel Artist

A Sentimental Storyteller

Original Painting for Sale by Artist

Medium: Acrylic on 300GSM Paper

Painting Size:

21 W x 29.7 L Centimeters

8.3 W x 11.7 L Inches



Audrey 12 of 40  |  Audrey the De-gene-rate 🧬


Films have always been a part of my dna. When I was a little girl my father used to send me three vhs tapes a week with three different movies on each tape. I consumed nine new movies each week and we had a collection that matched no other child I knew. I share this because when asked my favorite film, I always stumble; not knowing how to answer. That being said, one movie always comes rushing forward in my mind. It’s a simple movie that some would probably not rate as high as I do, but #Gattaca has always spoken to my soul. I love everything about that film.


There’s a scene where the #degenerate (an invalid that buys the genes of a valid person in society) blows smoke into a tumbler to demonstrate what Titan the moon looks like. The other day I rewatched this amazing film and said, “I’m going to turn my Audrey into that single frame somehow.”


And now Audrey the de-gene-rate is born. She has borrowed the “superior” genes of another and shows that there is no gene that accounts for the human spirit. We can do and be whatever we want. We needn’t allow— our beginnings; our ailments or weaknesses; our predisposed faults —alter our potential or stifle our heart’s desires. We need only decide on what we want and use every fiber of our being to reach our potential… even if we have to borrow someone’s spiral ladder to reach it, we can reach it with enough heart. 🪜❤️


What do *you* think today’s Audrey is trying to express? I’m getting a #BorrowedLadder Audrey. 🥰🧬🪜💫


I wonder what she’ll look like tomorrow!! 🥂 🥳🎨🎥🍿


#40PaintingsIn40Days #40thBirthday #AudreyHepburn #GeekedOverArt #HappyBirthdayToMe #2023Challenge #ArtWithMe #YourTravelArtist #YourTravelBlogger


PS I know this has been a previous post script of mine, but it’s worthy of repeating; it’s just so dorky spot on. Gattaca’s film’s title is based on the letters G, A, T, and C, which stand for guanine, adenine, thymine, and cytosine, the four nucleobases of #DNA. 🤓

Audrey the De-gene-rate 🧬

  • Now is your chance to call, "Dibs!" and claim this Audrey as your own. When you're ready --go ahead-- click the Add to Cart button above. Claim her for yourself or gift her to someone who needs her. 

    My goal in sharing my artwork with the world is to share pieces of myself with you. I want to make a real connection; to have a real human moment with one another.

    So if you have a question, big or small, please consider shooting me a message. I love to discuss these pieces and am equally excited to get to know you, the future owner of this piece of my heart.


    Remember, there is only one original... once she's gone, she's gone. 


Just traveling through life, one experience at a time. 

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