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Your Travel Artist

A Sentimental Storyteller

40 Paintings in 40 Days Challenge

As I approached my 40th birthday, I decided to do something crazy... paint, edit, and post 40 paintings in 40 days.

The Audrey Stories

Start Date: 40 Days Before My 40th Birthday

Join this immersive art experiment and experience time travel and subconscious art as I paint 40 paintings in 40 Days. This is day 0 of 40 days in the series; the introduction. Day 1 and Audrey 1 of 40 will be posted tomorrow. xoxo,

Full Video

Time Commitment: 8 min 40 sec

The Audrey Stories

Starting the Art Series

My latest series, Audrey: 40 Paintings in 40 Days, experimented with the idea of time travel.

After launching my virtual gallery shop, I realized I wasn't painting as often as I did pre-website launch. So, I decided to give myself a painting challenge, and since my birthday was coming up... I decided on a very cheeky concept:

40 paintings in 40 days leading up to my 40th birthday.

THe RUles.

I wrote out very clear rules that must be adhered to.

  • 2 hours max paint time per day

  • 2 hours allotted for filming, editing, and distributing video love letters.

  • #AudreyHepburn would inspire the composition of my series and I would turn inward and listen to my intuition to create a new painting; a new baby; a new layer... errie day.

  • No planning. Just passionate painting.

MINI Video

Time Commitment: 1 min 10 sec

THe Purpose.

To dive deep into my subconscious and examine my life.

What if I could move freely between certain points of my lifeline and study my subconscious reality and unique perspective?

What if I could discover secrets hidden behind key moments? What if I could collect another puzzle piece of wisdom?

What if I shared all of myself and laid it all on the line? Does facing the fear of rejection hurt more or less than the regret of stagnation?”

Finding My People.

To share and form a connection with others like me.

My Audreys are your Audreys. Our Audreys live as evidence that we all contain layers upon layers. Some layers we share while others live deep inside our memory and subconscious -safely hidden from judgment and ridicule.

We are not alone.

To hold up a mirror to humanity.

Join the deeper experience and allow my paintings to act as a mirror; a mirror in which we can see one another in each other. A mirror that can share three simple words that bring your soul solace and comfort, "I see you."

Searching for something in particular?

Here are some quick answers to some of your queries.

I can't possibly wait 40 days!

Can you send me an email with the daily Audrey Story?

Can I commission a custom Audrey painting?

Do you have a press release for the Audrey Series?

Can you answer a specific question I have about this piece?

I am always stoked to hear what you think. Don't be shy, shoot me a message so we can continue this conversation of all things art, travel, music, and philosophy.

P.S. I assure you that what you’ve experienced so far is merely the tip of the iceberg. We can dive much deeper, for I yearn to find you and immerse ourselves in the boundless depths of artistic expression.



Just traveling through life, one experience at a time. 

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