What Being Naked Looks Like to an Artist
How I overcome the flight chemical reaction when sharing the purpose of my art.
Being completely exposed when you are an artist.
Vulnerability is important, yo.
During the entire process of art -- from inspiration to creation-- artists are constantly forced to face our insecurities and fears. You see, the fear is paralyzing. Spoiler Alert: *whispers* I still piss my pants when sharing my process. Shhh.
One of the ways I would distract myself from the fear of putting myself out there was talking to myself in audio recordings and just being really vulnerable on my website and socials. Talking myself through the fear responses helped me really acknowledge and dissect them.
Just know that fear is a reaction of being a human being. The unknown is a threat. And our bodies don't take too kindly to threats. For reals.
It felt like at every stage, some puzzle master was placing large barriers in front of me in order to scare me into flee-mode. I literally had to talk my body and mind down; I was entering fight-mode with my own body. Crazy.
I'd be like, "It's cool, girl. Chill. Your body is just doing what it does in order to stay alive. You are a computer programmed to Halt and Cease Fire when entering dangerous unknowns. You are an organism that is trained to detect, destroy and regulate uneasy chemical reactions to external and internal threats. Girl. Trust me. Me... your conscious-self... I got this."
I was straight-up was talking to myself all the time.
What's The Hack to silencing Fear?
Like my spoiler alert suggested, there is no hack. You just have to feel the fear and everything that goes along with it. Sucks, deal with it. #TrivialTruths
Artists live with their insides exposed to the outside world and I am not sure that people really see that. When you look at art, you are seeing someone's fears, hopes, dreams, ideologies; you're skimming the juicy bits of their diary and life story.
What if your juicy bits were laid out for others. Let me stop. My body is starting to get that feeling it does at the mere mention of vulnerable exposure.
Girl, chill. I got this. Trust me.
Book of Essays
In the process of compiling my study on fear. Here's a peek.
In my mind, I am showing this footage 80-90's style... Sitting with my legs crossed on the floor --all Indian style-like-- and hitting the play button on my VHS to share a perfectly curated home video made by past me to future me.
Time doesn't permit this editing in my life... so, I shall press on in a more efficient manner. A timeline with links. Poof. Magic. Ha.
Fear is a reaction of being a human being. That’s what I keep repeating to myself as I work on something special. I’m not ready to sell off my original #ArtBeats yet… but I have this gut feeling; this pesky little ache in the pit of my soul— that is screaming for my attention.
Just do it. Just create what is in your mind and to hell with the chemical reactions of fear. Just because something is uncertain and exposes my insides, doesn’t mean I have to fight or flee.
I can acknowledge that my thalamus begins a chain reaction to my amygdala that in turn, releases neurotransmitters throughout my body that make me say… Molly, #YouInDangerGirl. That’s fine. Sh!t happens. 🤷♀️
The unknown is not just scary. It’s also exciting and new and hopeful and infinite. The unknown is another piece to the puzzle I’m trying to put together.
I guess what I’m trying to say is… your girl is working on a dream. ❤️ #ComeCheckThis #YourTravelBlogger
PS Haven’t pulled my gear out in years before this shoot!
I made a deal with my art…. Just a simple declaration of love letting it know, “#IGotYou.”
As long as I keep this train pushing forward, I believe that we will win. ❤️
Hitting all stages of my vision hard and I will not stop until I hold my beloved art in the palm of my hand in a frame that fits its perfect imperfections. So Art, you can very well be sensitive, scared and apprehensive, but I’m not… I’m strong AF and I got us. #MadeWithLove #IWontGiveUpOnUs #SomethingBrewing #Pumped #YourTravelBlogger
For a little over two weeks I starved myself of sleep in order to steal time for this vision. And… I recorded every moment. Going through footage and am beaming with pride as I see what it looks like to break through my own barriers. Not to mention… my endless ramblings through out the process is gonna make for some interesting shares on my Artist page once it’s up and running. Had to share a taste with you guys.
If you’re feeling apprehensive or just plain scared about moving forward in an idea… please, JUST START. Before you know it, you’ll be swimming in your accomplishments. I promise. Push through, please. ❤️. #CantStopWontStop #DamnGina #DidIDoThat #BTS #InTheStudio #WhatNoSleepLooksLike
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Digital Book of Essays: A Study on Fear by Your Travel Artist
Back to Present Day.
Where was I... oh yeah. Artists be naked.
Finishing up my Press Room to showcase and share the Audrey Stories featured in my series: Audrey: 40 Paintings in 40 Days.
When you put yourself out there -naked and exposed- your body and brain start preparing you to fight or flee. Over the last year I have tracked and noted these chemical reactions and can embrace the heart racing, uneasy feeling. I recognize it. I have labeled it. It no longer stops me from hitting “publish.”
More to come. If you’re digging these vibes, let me know. I am looking for you.
Hi! Yeah, you, hello. Shoot me a message. All of the above... yeah, that's my conversation starter. I'm looking for my people and if you're here... and digging these thoughts... let it be known. Shoot me a message.
If you need a starter... why don't you message me with a quick little story about a time you felt naked and exposed. Could be funny and impactful; could be deep and poetic; could be whatever... I'm all ears. 😘