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Your Travel Artist

A Sentimental Storyteller

Perspectives Trying to Corner You

#LoveLetter to my latest Abstract Expressionist Painting before finding its forever home.


To cohesively paint four narratives on ONE painting that change intention when you change your view of the painting. Simple enough... right? Sheesh. Why can't I just be a brick in the wall without constantly rebelling and raging against the machine. Thinking like this makes my brain smile; my heart grow; my blood run .... but man, it exhausts the hell out of me. Thank you, Art. Thank you for letting me put all of "it" deep into you.

What is Reality?

I knew -before I even put paintbrush to canvas- I wanted to push the composition of the painting to its limit. I started conceptualizing my ideas in September, 2021 after I had consumed every type of news outlet to try and quiet the rage and confusion in me. I began binging news coverages that covered the spectrum of opinions: left, right, neutral, educated, laymen, angry, passive, sympathetic, abrasive... it wasn't helping my rage or my confusion. Like, don't do it; it's really depressing.

When you have to research a single story from all different perspectives, you not only suck hours out of your life seeking truth, you realize, there is no spoon, dude.

Stay with me, lovely. I have a point.

There is no reality in journalism because the "news" showed me that journalists simply spin the web of reality they want you to believe in; whether intentional or not. Yo, it just sort of happens. Everyone is only human; everyone can only do what they can.

Some journalists are driven by their own passion and see pushing narratives as a means to an end. Maybe. Possibly. Others subconsciously allow their narrator to skew their reality and in turn, the perception they flow to others is unknowingly deceitful. Maybe. Possibly. Some journalists are maybe possibly, just dicks. Yeah, I cursed. I did that. I'll try to limit my use of profanity on here but sometimes, you gotta just be real.

Wait a minute, do I misunderstand the purpose and definition of news? Am I falsely blaming them? Is that even their job? #IHaveQuestions.

News, at its basic definition, is: "newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent events." Source Inspiration | Oxford Dictionary

Well, there you go. If you think about it, there can never be news that you can trust as truth because news is and always will be biased; it's in its noteworthy-nature. Journalists can't create a forcefield around them that eliminates all falsehoods and non-realities; they're not sorcerers.

With 'rona propaganda encircling my world, I couldn't find the truth. I couldn't quench this incredible desire to make sense of it all. The world was unrecognizable to me.

Was all of this real? What was fake? What was propaganda? What was pushing people to their breaking points? Why did humanity seem to suddenly fit into divisive boxes? Who was controlling the masses? Who was the man behind the curtain pulling levers, and why did we all succumb to the tilting of the machine? Did we have a choice? What forms our reality? Can we choose our own reality? What is reality?

Ontological uncertainty

Ontological uncertainty, "involves different parties in the same interactions having different conceptualizations about what kinds of entities inhabit their world; what kinds of interactions these entities have; how the entities and their interactions change as a result of these interactions."

Source Inspiration |

The Metaphysics of Inception


You may have guessed by now, but I took inspiration from 'The Matrix' and decided on a bright green color palette. With all of my research I determined, yes, perception can be manipulated. So who is the coder?


I am mad about circles and paint them a lot when trying to represent the human psyche.

Circles imply, “an idea of movement, and symbolize\ the cycle of time, the perpetual motion of everything that moves, the planets’ journey around the sun (the circle of the zodiac), the great rhythm of the universe. The circle is also zero in our system of numbering, and symbolizes potential, or the embryo. It has a magical value as a protective agent, and indicates the end of the process of individuation, of striving towards a psychic wholeness and self-realization." (Julien | 71)

I wanted this piece to reflect how we can all be under a collective dream spell. We're all placed on the same plane to experience collective and singular existence, thought and development together. We bounce off one another and affect the collective group's perspectives.


I knew this painting had to be an abstract expressionistic piece. To put literal images into my message would limit my voice and the entire composition. I needed to use color, forms, movement and disruptive strokes to get my point down.

I wanted to question the nature of our reality and explore what it means to be human.


Movies: Inception and The Matrix

Music: Take Me to Church, I'm Only Human

Book: The old, 'Choose Your Own Adventure' stories


Perspectives Trying to Corner You, for me, is a deep dive into humanity. @Hozier took me to church as I explored different choices we have in society. I just wanted to make you think and consider and reflect and be more vigilant and aware.


Silencing the Distractions and Trusting Your Intuition.

Notes about this direction.


Being Used as a Bullet and Shot Towards the Enemy Target.

Notes about this direction.


Putting your energy and trust into the word of your leader and following blindly.

Notes about this direction.

Physical coercion

Being piled and pushed down to join the conveyor belt of thought.

Notes about this direction.

A Living, Breathing Thesis.

Listennnnn, I am a perfectionist that is plagued by tendencies to procrastinate when it comes to putting myself out there. Knowing this, and knowing the need to step over that barrier in my own unique way, I will continue to update this #DeepDive into the intentions of my artwork.

I hate to leave you with a cliffhanger but it's either:

  • Publish as is and elaborate as I move forward; or

  • Tuck this back into my land of draft articles that may or may not ever see the light of day.

I really hope you wait for me, lovely. I can't promise you will be transcended, but I can promise to share pieces of me with you that allow us to form a genuine connection and human moment.

Stay tuned for a deeper look into the initial intention of this painting. And remember, I am sharing my sketches and research with you because I want my patrons to be taken on a journey with me. I don't want to put you in a box. Take a look at the painting and please, oh please, share what you see and feel when viewing.



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More to Come

More to come and if you’re digging these vibes, let me know. I'm looking for my people. Sorry to be so forward, but are you one of the people I was meant to connect with? Lemme know.

Your Travel Artist I transfer experiences and feelings onto a canvas using art, travel, music and philosophy


Just traveling through life, one experience at a time. 

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